Er, I thought I'd better apologise in advance. I've maneged to get a freind of mine into you guys heavily and she's thretening to stalk Paul. Paul, if you keep seing a small woman with pink hair every place you go I AM SO SORRY!!! I hope you don't have any pets...
An office... HELP, 23 February 2004 at 10:19 I'll get
KISK ass?
A Phonebox!, 23 February 2004 at 9:53
Hey guys, great site! I've just finished downloading the sample tracks and they kisk ass!!! Just one query, though. I noticed that some of the music and some lyrics in the samples are old songs, if so did Danny and Tim write them? I didn't know they were kicked out even! If they did you should have credited them in the blurb shouldn't you? I know they wrote Celestia, so where's their mention? Naughty boys!
London, England, 16 February 2004 at 6:37
That was a really cool gig last night at the Joiners! Nice to get aquainted with an amazing band should have helped you packed up really! Thanks for the chat and all see you soon!!!
Petersfield, 15 February 2004 at 13:31
Hey all, Your gig last night was brilliant! Paul and David give good hugs :)
Say hi to Dean for me and tell him what he missed out on!
See you all soon hopefully
Petersfield, 15 February 2004 at 8:19
Hey Becki! What time do I need to be there to see your set at The Joiners tomorrow? Tryin to convince a few mates to come at this minute!
Good luck for tomorrow not that you need it.
Fareham, Hampshire, 13 February 2004 at 17:36