Mike Bridge - Bass
- Birthdate: 18th May 1987
- Musical Background: Not a lot really, started out in a punk band called Drunk Plumber, then a power metal band Kaisier and now im here!
- Other Interests: Wakeboarding, Snowboarding, Skateboarding, Anything that involves a plank and high speeds.
- Gear: Ibanez SR506, Ashdown Amp, Wireless Goodies, Generally a beer or 2
- Best Qualities: My brain for thinking stuffs.
- Likes: Autumn, Mountains, Sweden, people called Dave
- Dislikes: Wind, Waking up, Going to bed
- Favourite Books: Pratchett, Jordan, Abnett, Black Library publishing
- Favourite Musicians: Jorn Lande, Kai Hansen, Bartok, Hansi Krush, Magnus Karlsson, Jorn Viggo Lofstad, Kip Winger, Van Halen
- Favourite Songs: Millenium Sun - Angra, Nightfall - Blind Guardian
- Favourite Movies: Interview with a Vampire, Sweeny Todd, LOTR, Labyrinth
- Favourite Actors: Harrison Ford, Johnny Depp
- Favourite Drinks: Desperados! French beer from France
- Best Live Gig: Scorpions' million hour set at Wacken '06
Last updated 10 February 2008